What Bird Can Fly The Highest? Top 9 Highest Flying Birds
What bird can fly the highest? – Is this question ever comes to your mind?
If yes, then undoubtedly this article is for you. Because this writing will take you through the research about bird flight and the incredible discoveries made by scientists.
Also, here is a list of the 9 highest-flying birds and how much they can fly.
Top 9 Highest Flying Birds
The top 9 most high-flying birds are pretty impressive, but the birds that fly highest come from a different family of birds.
The world’s fastest bird is capable of traveling at speeds up to 340 miles per hour.
This species uses its wings to generate more lift than other birds and dive from the sky at extreme speeds.

1. Vulture
The word vulture does not necessarily mean scavenger. Vultures eat carrion-dead bodies. So they are etymologically related to the terms ‘carrion’ and ‘monster.’
The vulture is the highest flying bird in the world. It can reach a height of up to 9 feet and has a wingspan of up to 2.5 feet.
Ruppell’s griffon vulture is a scavenger and eats dead animals. That helps them to survive in tough environments. They can fly very high because they have large wings that help them to stay aloft for long periods.
2. Geese
Geese are one of the highest-flying birds because they have a large and powerful wingspan. Their wings are about two feet wide, which is larger than the wingspan of most other birds.
The large wingspan allows geese to fly at high speeds and stay in the air for a long time. They can also fly in any direction, which is helpful when they are looking for food or avoiding danger.
Geese also have a good sense of smell, which helps them find food and avoid danger. Their strong legs and feet help them walk on slippery surfaces and jump high into the air to catch food.
3. Stork
Storks are found in great numbers around urban areas as well. They’re known to fly across the ocean from Scotland to South Africa.
These highest-flying birds can travel up to 50 miles per hour.
They can fly as high as 12,000 feet and have a wingspan of up to 7 feet. They are also known for their strong beaks and powerful legs that allow them to walk on water.
Storks are one of the highest-flying birds in the world. Storks are able to stay in the air for up to three hours at a time and can travel up to 50 miles per day.
4. Swan
Swans are one of the most graceful and majestic birds in the world. They are often called “the princesses of the water” because of their elegant beauty and gentle nature.
They are one of the largest waterfowl species and can weigh up to 20 pounds. They have long necks, long legs, and large bodies. Their wingspan is about 2 feet 9 inches.
Swans can fly very high in the sky, reaching heights of up to 40,000 feet. They use their wings to swim and dive deep into the water.
5. Chough
A chough is a high-flying bird that can reach altitudes of up to 10,000 feet. They are found in the UK(Britain), Southern Europe, North and South America. They are the largest of the Old World Sparrows and have a wingspan of about 2 feet.
Alpine chough is omnivorous that eats insects, seeds, and other small animals. They forage for food in trees and on the ground. They also eat fruit when available.
Choughs mate for life and usually build their nests in tree cavities or on cliffs. The female lays two eggs which she incubates for about 28 days. The chicks fledge about 40 days after hatching and become independent shortly thereafter.
6. Godwit
A Godwit is a high-flying bird that can fly at speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour. A Godwit is a high-flying bird that can fly at speeds of up to 50 mph. It is the national bird of New Zealand and is known for its large wingspan (up to 2 feet).
Godwits are often seen soaring overhead in search of food, which includes insects, small rodents, and other birds. They are also known for their beautiful songs, which can be heard for miles. It is also one of the largest waders in the world.
7. Crane
Crane is a solid glider but is prone to moving into dense woods. It is a bird that is known for its long legs and its ability to fly very high. It can reach heights of up to 25 feet, which makes it one of the highest-flying birds in the world.
Crane are social animals and live in large groups. They feed on insects, small mammals, and other birds. They use their long legs to snatch food from the air.
8 . Barn Owl
Barn owls are the highest-flying birds in the world. They can fly up to speeds of 100 mph and have a wingspan of up to 6 feet.
Barn owls are the only owl species that can truly fly, meaning they don’t use their wings for locomotion as other owls do.
Barn owls use their wings primarily for hunting. They swoop down on their prey from high in the sky and then hold onto it with their talons as they pull back up into the air.
9. Mallard
Mallard is a high-flying bird that is known for its fast speed and great driving ability. It can reach speeds of up to 100 mph and dive down to depths of 150 feet.
Mallard is eminent for its graceful flight and ability to navigate through the air. It is also known for its long legs and powerful wings.
Mallards are the most common waterfowl in North America and can be found in many different habitats, including wetlands, lakes, rivers, and streams.
Also read: How To Tell If A Bird Is Stunned Or Dead?
What Bird Can Fly The Highest? – FAQs
In this part, some frequently asked questions, and their answers are given. To learn more about the highest flying birds, keep reading.
Can birds fly 30000 feet?
No, birds cannot fly 30000 feet. This is an urban legend that started with a story about a falcon that was released into the wild and was able to fly very high. The story was later debunked and it is now known that falcons are not able to fly that high.
Can a griffon vulture fly at the highest altitude?
As griffon vultures can fly at high altitudes. They are not typically known for doing so.
Griffon vultures are not considered to be particularly strong fliers and typically prefer to hunt in open areas where they have a good view of their surroundings.
They are also capable of flying short distances, but they are not typically considered to be fast flyers.
Is bar-headed goose rare in Africa?
Bar-headed goose is not a rare bird across its range in Africa. In comparison to other avian species.
They are one of the most common birds on the continent because they have adapted well to many different kinds of habitats — ranging from open areas near water bodies, grasslands, and mountains.
Can whooper swan fly the highest?
A whooper swan’s flying ability varies depending on the individual bird.
However, some experts believe that they can fly up to 60 mph (96 km/h) in short bursts.
Is white stork commonly seen in Himalayas Mount Everest?
White storks have been recorded on Mount Everest.
Sources indicate that no White stork has ever been observed above the altitude of 29,035 ft (8850 m).
However, this is in error as some Himalayan white-rumped vultures and peregrine falcons do occur at these elevations.
Is bar-tailed godwit available in Europe?
Yes, bar-tailed godwit is present in northern parts of Europe.
However, the bird is more common in colder climates and can be found in large numbers during the winter months.
Is there any bearded vulture in Asia?
Bearded vultures are found throughout much of Asia, but not in all locales. The bearded vulture is typically found in the Saharan and Tibetan deserts.
Which is the best place to find large species of a vulture?
In Africa, the best places to find large species of vultures are southern Angola and Congo.
In central Asia, the great-spotted woodpecker is found in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The black vulture may be seen throughout much of eastern Europe as well as parts of Northern Africa, western Turkmenistan Russia & Kazakhstan In North America, there are several species of large vultures.
Which country is best to find a common crane? Australia, New Zealand, or North America?
There is no definitive answer as different countries have different regulations and customs when it comes to cranes.
However, if you are looking for a common crane that can be used in a variety of applications, then Australia would be the best place to find one.
New Zealand has some of the best cranes in the world. They are not always available. North America also has some great cranes.
They may be more expensive than those found in other countries.
Is a Eurasian crane able to fly at high altitudes?
Yes, a Eurasian crane can fly at a high altitude.
However, they are not able to fly for long periods due to the lack of oxygen at high altitudes.
Can Ruppel’s griffon vulture fly the highest?
No, ruppell’s vulture can only fly through the air for a few seconds and land by finding something on which it may with a clamp.
The reason they cannot fly at high altitudes is due to their lack of special flight muscles found in other birds such as eagles or Andean condor which are not present in either the Ruppel’s Griffon Vulture or if any known greater fish-eagle.
Can migratory wild duck fly the highest?
Migratory wild ducks have different flying capabilities. However, some of the birds that are considered to be among the highest flyers in the world include the mallard, gadwall, shoveller, and harpy eagle.
These birds can fly at speeds of up to 150 mph and can stay in the air for extended periods.
In fact, some of these birds are known to fly as far as 3,000 miles during their migration journey.
Ultimate Statement

The best bird to fly the highest is a mystery. We can’t pinpoint which bird has achieved the greatest height in terms of altitude.
The only thing we know for sure is that these birds are the most amazing, majestic, and incredible creatures on this planet.
If you have been keener to know what bird can fly the highest, hope this blog post helps.
Let us know if we should add any more tips for this type of blog post.
Have a good day!