Do Blue Jays Eat Other Birds Eggs

Do Blue Jays Eat Other Birds Eggs? 9 Fun Facts About Blue Jays Feeding

How to tell whether do blue jays eat other birds’ eggs or not?

No idea?

So, here we are to let you know some facts about the common blue jay, which is one of the most popular members of the crow family.

Let’s read and find out more interesting facts about blue jays.

Species Of Blue Jays

Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) are a kind of bird that belongs to the crows family. It is also known as Northern Jay, Common Blue Jay, and American Crow.

There are around 11 different subspecies of blue jays in Canada and many more countries throughout the world. Some of them are:

  • American Crow
  • Baltimore Oriole
  • Catbird of southern Canada
  • Carolina Wren
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Chickadee
  • Goldfinch
  • House Sparrow
  • Mountain Bluebird 

Blue Jays’ Dietary Habits

The Blue Jays are a professional baseball team based in Toronto, Ontario. They play in the American League (AL) and were founded in 1977.

The Blue Jays have been known for their healthy eating habits, which has helped them maintain a high level of fitness and performance over the years.

Some of the most popular foods that the Blue Jays eat regularly include:

  • Lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and tofu.
  • Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, and oats.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and spinach.
  • Fruits such as blueberries, bananas, apples, and oranges.

Do jays steal eggs?

Yes, they do. Most other birds are not a fan of Blue Jays, especially those nearby nesting areas where the jays raid their nests for eggs and even chicks.

Why do blue jays steal other birds’ eggs?

Many reasons are there behind why Blue Jays steal other birds’ eggs. Some of the reasons include:

  • To get food.
  • To protect their nests.
  • To increase their population.

Blue Jays Attack Other Birds’ Eggs! – The Cruel Reality For Many Mother Birds

Some debate exists on this topic. But it is generally believed that blue jays do raid other birds’ nests for eggs. This behavior may be driven by competition for food or resources, or as a form of intimidation.

Moreover, Many mother birds are killed by blue jays when they try to feed their young. The blue jays steal the eggs and then the chicks are left without a mother to protect them. This is called ‘bluejay depredation’.

Blue jays eat eggs that are either brown or white. Brown eggs are the most common type, but blue jays will also eat white eggs if they can find them.

Furthermore, blue jays will eat eggs that they find if food is scarce, but in most cases of egg-stealing by blue jays, the majority of cracked eggs are consumed within two weeks after being laid.

However, it is generally observed that blue jays will eat eggs during the spring and summer months.

Why Do Blue Jays Eat Other Birds Eggs? – 5 Common Nature Of Blue Jays

Blue jays are omnivorous. Which means that they eat both plants and animals. One of the things that they eat is eggs from other birds.

Here are five common natures of blue jays diet.

1. Blue Jays are omnivorous and will eat a variety of things, including other birds’ eggs.

2. The blue jay is a nesting bird and will often raid other birds’ nests for food, including their eggs.

3. Blue Jay is an opportunistic bird feeder. and will eat whatever they can find, which may include other birds’ eggs.

4. Some people believe that eating other birds’ eggs helps the blue jay to build its strength and immune system because it contains high levels of essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, and vitamins A and D.

5. It is not clear why blue jays specifically eat other birds’ eggs, but it seems to be an instinctive behavior that has been passed down through the generations.

9 Fun Facts About Blue Jays Feeding

9 Fun Facts About Blue Jays Feeding

The blue jay is one of the most commonly seen birds around. Is social birds, often seen in small flocks of up to 25 birds. The diet of the blue jay consists mainly of insects and small animals.

This is because it has evolved to have very large crops. The crop helps it store food for winter when many food sources are unavailable or may be scarce.

In this section, we have collected nine fun facts about blue jays that will be interesting for everyone.

1. Jays eat other birds’ eggs for a variety of reasons, including to supplement their diet and to provide them with essential nutrients that they may not be able to find in their natural environment.

2. Jays are the only bird species known to consume the eggs of other birds.

3. Jays often crack open the eggs of larger birds, such as crows and ravens, but will also eat smaller eggs, such as those of sparrows and chickadees.

4. Jays typically eat one egg per day but have been known to consume up to five eggs in a single sitting.

5. Jays are attracted to brightly colored eggs because they use color vision to locate food sources.

6. Jays sometimes damage or destroy the eggs of other birds, but this behavior is usually limited to cases where the eggs are located in inaccessible or dangerous locations or when the jay is defending its territory from another animal or bird that it perceives as a threat.

7. Jays generally avoid eating the eggs of predatory animals, such as hawks and owls, because these predators may attack them if they discover the jay’s nest containing an egg.

8. Female jays usually lay two white or light-colored eggs per season and one brown or dark-colored egg per season, although some females may lay up to four brown or dark-colored eggs in a season.

9. A female blue jay will typically lay her first batch of eggs approximately 10-12 days after she begins mating with the male.

What Other Foods Do Blue Jays Eat?

Aside from bird eggs, blue jays can also be sophisticated eaters. Blue Jays are known to eat a variety of foods on their own accord including:

  • Insects  (both live and dead)
  • Mollusks  (soft-shelled Crustaceans such as clams and mussels)
  • Fruits (including berries, apples, cherries, grapes, etc.)

Are blue jays able to tell the difference between bird eggs and other objects?

There is no definitive answer to this question as blue jays are not known for their intelligence. However, it is possible that they can distinguish between bird eggs and other objects because they are experts at finding food.

Blue jays are very good at detecting small changes in the environment and using this information to find food. This skill allows them to survive in difficult environments where other animals would not be able to.

Also read: Do Blue Jays Migrate In The Winter?


We have answered on do blue jays eat other birds eggs.

Next, let’s talk about what other questions people asked frequently about this bird.

Does Crow Eat Other Birds Eggs?

Some crows may eat other birds’ eggs, while others may not. It is best to watch your crow closely and see if it ever seems to be interested in eating eggs or anything that looks like an egg.

If your crow does seem to be interested in eating eggs, then you should be cautious and keep them away from the eggs until you are sure that they are safe.

Does a woodpecker eat fledgling of blue jays?

It depends on the individual woodpecker. Some woodpeckers may eat fledgling blue jays, while others may not.

What do baby blue jay nestlings eat?

As baby blue jay nestlings eat a variety of things, depending on their age and what is available in the area where they live. However, some typical food items that baby birds may consume include insects, spiders, small mammals, and other birds.

Do blue jays eat smaller birds like robin eggs?

Blue jays can steal up to one-third of the eggs laid by other birds, often causing them to abandon their normal breeding cycle for a single hatchling to survive.

As blue jays are omnivorous and will eat a variety of things, including robin eggs.

However, they may eat smaller birds.

Is owl and hawk food source the same?

No, owl and hawk are not the same food source. Owls are one of the wild birds of prey that eat small animals such as rodents, while hawks are birds of prey that eat larger animals such as deer.

What is the main difference in feeding habits between hummingbirds in North America and Florida?

There are a few main differences in feeding habits between hummingbirds in North America and Florida.

In the United States, hummingbirds feed mainly on nectar from flowers. In Florida, however, they feed on insects and other small animals.

Another difference is that North American hummingbirds tend to be more territorial than their counterparts in Florida. Hummingbirds in North America also migrate much further north during the winter than those in Florida.

How do songbirds change plumage?

There are many different types of songbirds, and each has a unique way of changing its plumage.

Some birds, such as the canaries, change their black plumage to match the environment they are in. For example, when it is cold outside, the canaries will change their feathers to make them more insulating.

Other birds, like the cardinals, change their plumage to attract a mate. Cardinals have a red chest and belly and use this color to attract mates.

Many songbirds also change their plumage to adjust to seasonal changes. For example, during the winter months, some songbirds will change their colors so they can better camouflage themselves against the snow.

What do blue jays like most- Suet or sunflower seeds?

Blue jays will eat any small suites such as seeds, nuts, or brown worms. They prefer large cracked pits of peanuts but they can live on anything but grains and they like leftover bread crusts in the winter.

However, some experts believe that they prefer suet (a type of fat) over sunflower seeds.

What are the common nesting materials of blue jays?

They nest in hollows in oak trees. The nesting season for blue jays starts in late summer and early fall.

A blue jay’s nest is typically made of sticks and twigs, soft moss such as holly heather or bracken ferns. They often like to use loose grass for their nests.

They also like to use plant roots or insects as nest material. both sexes participate and may create several nests if conditions are favorable to increase clutch size.

What is the variety of habitats of blue jays?

There are three main habitats of blue jays: forests, suburban areas, rocky mountains, and cities.

Forest habitats are the most common, and they include areas near water sources such as rivers and lakes. Blue jays in forests typically forage for food in trees, but they will also scavenge from the ground if necessary.

Suburban areas are typically adjacent to a forest or other open area, and they tend to have more trees than suburbs that do not have proximity to a forest. Blue jays in suburban areas typically forage for food on the ground or in tall vegetation.

The blue jay is also a mountain-dwelling bird. They can be found east of the rocky mountains and throughout North America.

Cities are habitats that are found near human settlements, and they often lack trees. Instead, they usually have large expanses of concrete or other man-made surfaces that provide plenty of opportunities to forage for food.

Can a blue jay live in captivity?

Yes, a blue jay can live in captivity. However, it is important to provide the bird with a comfortable environment and plenty of toys and activities to keep it entertained.

Do Blue Jays Eat Other Birds Eggs? Windup

Blue Jays Eat Other Birds Eggs

In short, Blue jays are eminent for their intelligence and quickness. They can even recognize faces of other blue jays!

These birds have been known to steal eggs from other birds. So they may eat other birds’ eggs. You perhaps know that they become aggressive birds when they feel threatened.

To ensure the safety of your home, try to keep them away from nesting areas or nests. It is best to avoid placing food outside of their reach as well.

If you would like to learn more about blue jays or any other feathered friends, check out our blog post on such topics here!

Happy reading.

One Comment

  1. M Maverick says:

    I want to get wood bird houses and wanted to know will the blue jays eat the eggs when they see the nest or is it better to let the other birds hid their nest?

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