How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers On Chimney? – 7 Steps to Eliminate Them
Homeowners often get annoyed by the woodpecker problem. They want to know how to get rid of woodpeckers on chimney.
We’ve got them covered today. To know completely how to get rid of woodpeckers’ damage, stay tuned with us till the end.
Chimney birds are a common problem for many homeowners. They may enter your house through cracks in the chimney, on or around vents, or by climbing up onto the roof.
And sometimes they can even end up living inside your chimney, where they nest and cause extensive damage to the flue system.
Fortunately, you can use the solutions described in this article to get rid of them once and for all.
How To Tell If There Is A Woodpecker On Chimney?
The woodpeckers can be very elusive and difficult to spot.
However, if you are concerned that a woodpecker may be using your chimney as a nesting site, the best way to determine if there is a woodpecker on your chimney is to look for damage or signs of tampering.
If you see any damage or signs of tampering, please contact a professional.
Besides, some things that you can do to identify if there is a woodpecker on your chimney are:
1. Look for the bird’s characteristic drumming sound.
2. Check for freshly-cut trees or branches that have been damaged by the bird’s pecking.
3. Observe the bird’s behavior around chimneys and other tall structures.
4. Look for black soot on the inside of chimneys or on windowsills where the bird has been nesting or roosting.
Why Do Woodpeckers Peck Chimneys?
Woodpeckers peck at chimneys for many reasons.
One reason is that they are looking for insects and other small creatures that may be living in the crevices of the masonry.
Another reason is that they are trying to create a hole in the masonry so they can see inside and find food or nesting materials.
Dangers Of Having A Woodpecker On Chimney
Several dangers are involved in having a woodpecker on your chimney. Some of the most common dangers include:
1. The bird may get stuck up the chimney and not be able to get down.
2. The bird may damage the chimney by pecking at it excessively or by getting its beak stuck in the flue.
3. The bird may build a nest in the chimney, which could lead to structural damage.
7 Easy Steps On How To Get Rid Of Woodpeckers On Chimney
Woodpeckers are some of the most common and noisy birds in the bird world. They’re often found near houses and other structures.
Woodpeckers don’t like to live close to humans, so they will eventually leave your chimney if you do not give them a reason to stay.
If you have a woodpecker activity problem, don’t worry! There are many ways to get rid of them. In this article, we will show you seven easy steps to get rid of woodpeckers on your chimney.

1. Clean The Area Around The Chimney
Clean the area around the chimney where the woodpeckers are nesting. This is the most important step because if you don’t clean it, they will keep coming back. Use a broom and dustpan to sweep up any loose feathers or other debris. Wipe down the sides of the chimney with a damp cloth to remove any oils or grease that may have attracted them.
2. Seal Off The Opening
Seal off the opening to the chimney using a wire mesh guard. This will prevent them from entering and also protect your property from their woodpecker damage. You can buy a guard at most hardware stores or home improvement stores.
3. Install An Animal Repellent Device
There are many different types of repellents available, but some of the most popular ones include spikes, lasers, and ultrasonic sound devices. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before installing it so you don’t scare away other animals or homeowners in your neighborhood.
4. Scare Them
Scare them away by using noise-making devices. If all else fails, you can try using loud noises or flashing lights to scare them away. Be sure to use these devices safely and legally!
5. Keep Bird Feeders Out Of Reach
If you have bird feeders in the area, make sure they are out of reach of the woodpeckers. This will help to discourage them from visiting your chimney.
Plus, it is a good idea to keep all bird feeders away from your home’s exterior as well. This will help to conserve resources and keep the environment clean from messy birds.
6. Remove Hanging Toilet Paper Rolls
Other birds may be attracted to them, and they will go after it. Prevent further damage by putting the laundry baskets or kitchen hampers away when not in use.
7. Use Fake Owls
If all else fails, you can try using fake owls made from plastic or foam. Hang them from a tree near the chimney and scare the woodpeckers away.
Additionally, you can also try hanging fake owls from the chimney and adding a few more to make it look like there are more than one.
5 Instant Things To Do
5 Instant things to do when woodpeckers are making a mess on chimneys are:
1. Check to see if the bird is eating any of the insects that are flying around. If it is, remove the food source and offer water instead.
2. Make sure there is a safe place for the bird to perch other than on the chimney. If not, install a bird feeder or build nest boxes out of sticks and leaves in a tree nearby.
3. Use an electronic repeller if necessary to keep the bird away from your home.
4. Block off any small openings that may be accessible by the woodpeckers such as vents, windowsills, and doorsill with cinder blocks or plastic sheeting.
5. Install a bird baffle over the chimney to prevent woodpeckers from getting close to the flue.
How To Prevent Woodpeckers From Nesting On Chimney?
There are a few things that you can do to prevent woodpeckers from nesting on your chimney.
The first thing is to make sure that the area around your chimney is clear of any obstacles. This includes dead trees, wires, and other objects that could be used by the woodpeckers as nesting test sites.
You can also install bird guards on the outside of your chimney cap. These guards are made out of metal or plastic and will protect the brickwork from being damaged by the woodpeckers.
If you live in an area where there are a lot of woodpeckers, you can try installing a bird netting system. This system consists of a series of nets that are hung from the roof or walls near your home. The nets will capture all the birds that fly into them and allow you to remove them without hurting them.
Also read: Do Woodpeckers Eat Wood Bees?
We hope you sorted out some of the core solutions on how to get rid of woodpeckers on chimney.
Next, learn more frequently asked questions and their answers regarding the woodpecker activity.
How do I permanently get rid of woodpeckers?
There are a few ways to permanently get rid of woodpeckers. The most effective way is to install bird spikes or netting around your tree. This will prevent the birds from pecking at your tree and will eventually cause them to move on.
Another option is to use a bird Repeller that emits an unpleasant noise that will scare the birds away. These repellers come in different shapes and sizes, so it is best to consult with a professional before using one.
Finally, you can try installing a hawk guard which is a metal mesh cage that hangs from the tree and prevents the woodpeckers from accessing the trunk of the tree.
What smells keep woodpeckers away?
Some common smells that keep woodpeckers away include:
- Pipe cleaners and other strong-smelling objects.
- Garlic.
- Cats.
- Raw meat.
How to stop a woodpecker from drumming?
The best way to stop a woodpecker from drumming may vary depending on the individual woodpecker’s behavior. However, some tips that may help include:
1. Make sure your property is properly fenced in so the woodpecker cannot access your trees.
2. Scare the woodpecker away by making loud noises or throwing objects at it.
3. Install bird feeders that do not have food inside of them so the woodpecker will not be attracted to them.
How to stop birds from pecking on my house?
There are a few things that you can do to stop birds from pecking on your house.
Make sure that the bird feeders are properly installed and placed so that the birds have a place to eat. If the feeders are too close to the house, the birds may be tempted to peck at it.
Make sure that there is enough bird proofing around the windows and doors. This will help keep the birds away from the house.
Make sure that there is a good bird deterrent around the property. This could be something like spikes or netting placed around trees and bushes.
How to get rid of woodpeckers on siding?
There are a few ways to get rid of woodpeckers on the siding. One way is to use bird spikes. These spikes are designed to repel birds and stop them from pecking holes in your siding.
Another way is to install netting over the holes. This will keep the woodpeckers out and prevent them from damaging your siding.
You can also use bird repellent products to deter woodpeckers from attacking your wood siding.
What is the best woodpecker deterrent?
Many types of woodpeckers are responsible for the damage to your home. The best way to deter them is by using a deterrent.
A deterrent will make the woodpecker think twice about attacking your home, and it can be either physical or electronic.
Some of the most popular types of deterrents include:
1. Pigeon spikes
These spikes are designed to scare away pigeons, and they work very well. They are easy to install and come in different colors so you can choose the one that best suits your home.
2. Scarecrows
A scarecrow is a great way to deter woodpeckers from pecking at your windows or doors. They are usually made out of straw or fiberglass, and they come with a stand so you can put them in any location you want.
3. Electronic repellers
These devices use high-frequency sound waves to scare away birds, and they work very well. They are easy to set up and use, and they come with a manual that explains how to use them properly.
Is a decoy woodpecker feeder used to stop woodpeckers from drilling stucco on house?
A decoy feeder is a feeder that contains food that is not real.
This type of feeder is designed to attract and divert the attention of birds away from real food sources, such as birdhouses or birdfeeders.
By doing this, you can reduce the number of times that woodpeckers will drill stucco on your house in search of food.
How to scare away woodpeckers by filling Insulation?
There are a few ways to scare away woodpeckers by filling insulation.
One way is to use bird deterrents, which are small objects that make noise and scare the birds away.
Another way is to cover the outside of your home with bird netting, which will keep the birds from pecking at your windows or doors.
You can also install bird spikes on the outside of your home, which will stop the birds from pecking at your roof or walls.
Can loud noise scare woodpeckers?
No, a loud noise will not scare woodpeckers. Woodpeckers are intelligent birds that are used to living in close quarters with other animals.
They are used to the sound of humans and other animals, so loud noise would not bother them.
Are there any sound-based repellents to deter woodpeckers?
There are a few repellents that use sound to deter woodpeckers. These repellents work by emitting an unpleasant noise that will make the woodpecker stop pecking.
Some of the most popular repellents that use sound to deter woodpeckers are:
- Citronella oil
This is a natural repellent that is derived from lemons and is effective against both mammals and birds. It can be applied as a spray or solution, and it is also safe for use around children.
This is one of the most popular repellents because it is effective against a wide range of insects, including woodpeckers. It should not be used on the skin near the eyes, nose, or mouth, and it should only be applied to areas where you are likely to encounter mosquitoes.
- Peppermint oil
This oil has a strong peppermint scent that will repel woodpeckers. It can also be used in candles or diffusers to create an insect-repelling atmosphere.
Which woodpecker species damage most- A pileated woodpecker or a downy woodpecker?
A pileated woodpecker is the species that damages most trees. Downy woodpeckers are not as destructive as pileated woodpeckers, but they do damage trees.
Is a red-bellied woodpecker aggressive?
No. Woodpeckers are generally not aggressive with humans. You may get into an argument with them if they don’t like your garden design or some particular insect.
Also, know that red-bellied woodpeckers will fight over a dead bird. So serious injuries can result from such conflicts in the wild. Even killing one of the birds through extensive trauma to its chest cavity (abdominal region).
Can I get rid off permanently from woodpeckers with the help of a pest control company?
No, there is no such service that can permanently rid a home of woodpeckers. However, with the help of a pest control company you may be able to suppress their population and reduce damage to your property.
Moreover, a pest control company help to repel insects like carpenter moths, mosquitoes, carpenter ants
carpenter bees, mites, beetles, etc.
Final Thought

Chimney repair and prevention experts recommend installing bird feeders high up in the trees outside of a property perimeter to attract woodpeckers away from the home’s exterior.
Meanwhile, homeowners can employ various repellents, including citronella oil or DEET. Sound-making devices that emit an irritating noise such as bells or whistles may also work as deterrents for some woodpeckers.
However, others will simply learn to associate the noise with food, so it is important to use one that’s specific to a certain species.
If you further need any suggestions to get rid of other birds, don’t feel hesitate to get in touch with us for a free consultation.
Wishing you luck!