What Do Crows Like To Eat? – 10 Untold Crow Foods
If you’re curious to know what do crows like to eat, start reading this article without hesitation. We’re going to reveal the full list of foods that crows enjoy.
Well, as you know, Crows are fascinating birds. They have many unique behaviors and their intelligence is often underestimated. But it’s not only their brainpower that makes them so interesting. Crows have a wide range of unusual, yet useful dietary habits. Some are harmless, some may be tasty, and some may even be poisonous! This article will explore some of the more interesting crow foods.
What Do Crows Like To Eat?
The real question might be, “What don’t crows eat?” Crows are highly adaptable, omnivorous feeders who consume nearly anything edible. Their diet spans a wide range—from crabs and crabapples to birds, French fries, frogs, and carrion. For easier reading, we’ve categorized their diverse diet as below:
1. Fruits and Seeds

Fruits and seeds form a significant portion of the crow’s diet, covering nearly three-quarters of what they eat. This includes corn, wheat, oats, chokecherries, Poison Ivy, pistachios, grapes, Red Osier Dogwood berries, Bittersweet Nightshade berries, pecans, and watermelons, among others. So, do crows eat corn? Yes, crows eat corn too. Also, if you ask do crows like apples, the answer should be positive.
2. Insects
Crows consume a variety of insects, both flying and ground-dwelling. They eat pests (like European Corn Borers and Gypsy Moths) as well as beneficial species (such as ground beetles and ichneumon wasps), showing their complex role in the ecosystem.
3. Amphibians and Reptiles
Crows prey on turtles at every life stage—from eggs to adults. They also hunt snakes, lizards, frogs, and toads, showcasing their versatility as predators. So, do birds eat lizards? Yes, crows eat lizards too. And do crows eat snakes? Yes, crows can eat snakes. Do crows eat rats? Yes, crows can eat rats too.
4. Bird Eggs

Crows are notorious nest raiders, preying on the eggs of various bird species. This list includes Common Loons, Least Terns, Pinyon Jays, Scrub-Jays, American Robins, Savannah Sparrows, and Mallards, making eggs a key protein source for crows. So, if your question is do crows eat other birds eggs, then the answer should be YES!
5. Birds
Do crows eat other birds? Yes, crows don’t stop at eggs; they hunt nestlings, fledglings, and adult birds from various species, such as European Starlings and House Sparrows, occasionally catching them in mid-flight.
6. Mammals
Despite their size, crows are skilled hunters of small mammals, including deer mice, voles, bats, and shrews. Even sometimes human dead body too!
7. Fish
Crows are opportunistic fishers, wading into shallow waters to catch passing fish like Gizzard Shad. They also scavenge the carcasses of salmon and trout after spawning season at hatcheries. But if you ask me do crows eat squirrels? My answer is they love carcasses instead of squirrels. But yes, crows can eat squirrels too.
8. Mollusks
Crows consume various types of clams, including the Basket Cockle and Manila Clam, showcasing their adaptability in coastal environments.
9. Carrion
Crows join other scavengers like vultures, eagles, gulls, and ravens in consuming animal carcasses, including roadkill.
10. Human Food
Crows have adapted to urban and suburban areas, where they readily consume human food sources, such as trash, pet food, and discarded items, making them regular visitors to areas with easy access to these resources.

The flexible and wide-ranging diet of crows enables them to thrive in environments from wild landscapes to bustling city streets.
So, if you ask me what is crows favorite food, then my answer should be fruits and seeds. They love seeds and fruits much. So, what food do crows like? I hope you already got the answer.
What is the American Crow Diet List?
The American crow diet list is a list of diets that are effective for the species of crow.
There are some key points in the diet. Likewise,
- It should contain mostly fruits, vegetables, peas, and nuts.
- The diet should include freshwater daily.
- It should not contain animal products such as meat or dairy.
- Besides, It should provide food with high amounts of protein like insects, snails, earthworms, eggs, crickets, and grubs.
- Finally, It should be low in sugar and fat.
What Foods Crows Don’t Like To Eat?

Crows are familiar to be scavenger birds. They love to eat meat, eggs, and anything else that they can find in the trash. So, do crows eat meat? Yes, crows can eat meat.
Crows have very strong beaks and are known for their ability to tear through tough skin with them. It is said that they will sometimes attack humans who leave food out on their porch or front yard.
However, it has been found that crows don’t like eating rice because it has the shape of a white grub which looks like a worm when eaten by crows.
In addition, it has been found that crows don’t like eating cereal. The reason for this is because it is high in sugar and carbohydrates which crows are not used to. They also do not like sweet things. So you will rarely see them at a bakery or ice cream shop.
Also read: How To Stop Crows From Destroying My Lawn?
To learn more about what do crows like to eat, you can take a look at these frequently asked questions and their answers. Also, you will get additional information about wild crows.
What do crows eat in the winter?
In winter, crows primarily eat a mix of available foods, including nuts, seeds, berries, small animals, and carrion. They may also scavenge human food scraps when natural resources are scarce.
Can crows eat grapes?
Yes, crows can eat grapes. Grapes are safe for them and provide a good source of natural sugars and hydration. They enjoy eating both wild and cultivated varieties.
Does a crow prey?
A crow is a bird that preys on other animals and insects. They are known to be smart birds. Because they have been seen using tools such as sticks, stones, and even garbage to hunt for food.
Does a baby crow take birdbath?
Yes, a baby crow takes a birdbath. Crows are not just the scavengers that they appear to be. They also take care of their young by cleaning them and teaching them how to fly.
Can I feed cat food to my pet crow?
Yes, but it is not advisable to feed your pet crow any type of food that you would eat. It is important to ensure that the bird has a diet that meets its nutritional needs.
Crows have an extremely powerful beak and will likely get sick if they eat food containing toxins or chemicals like the ones found in cat food. This may cause your pet crow to die prematurely.
Do crows like to eat berries?
Yes, crows enjoy eating berries. They are attracted to a variety of berries, including blueberries, raspberries, and elderberries, which provide them with essential nutrients and energy.
Do crows eat sunflower seeds or almonds just like other birds?
Yes, crows do eat sunflower seeds and almonds, much like other birds. Sunflower seeds are a popular choice because they are easy to crack open and provide good nutrition. Almonds are also appealing to crows, as they are rich in protein and healthy fats, but crows may have to work a bit harder to break them open. Both foods can be an excellent part of their diet, especially in colder months when natural food sources are limited.
Should I feed walnuts to backyard crows?
Feeding your backyard crows with walnuts may not be the best idea.
The main issue is that the crows will not return to your yard once they are done eating the walnuts. This means that you won’t be able to harvest any more of them, and they’ll also get into other things in your yard like birdseed or fruit.
In addition, when a crow gets too many walnuts, it can become aggressive towards other birds and even people.
Why are there so many wild crows in America?
Wild crows are native to Europe and Asia. There are many theories about why they migrated to America, including the idea that it was a result of human activity. For instance, hunting and deforestation.
Is any pet food is suitable for crows?
Yes. You can feed your pet crow a diet that is composed of high-quality ingredients like pellets, fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. If you want to feed your pet crow meat then you need to find out what type of meat it eats because some animals may not be good for them.
Are there any crow feeders in the market?
Yes. There are many crow feeders in the market. However, amazon.com is one of the online marketplaces where you can get a variety of bird feeders.
What is the best way to feed smaller birds?
Many bird owners are concerned about the amount of food they should feed their birds. And if you ask me what to feed crows? Here is the answer: crow food is everywhere in the nature. So, what can you feed crows? The answer should be “everything”.
A general rule is to provide a nutritious, balanced diet that includes some seeds and fruits. Some people have found success by feeding their birds commercial seed mixes that are meant for small birds.
However, there are many ways to feed smaller birds:
1) Make your own homemade seed mix with sunflower seeds, peanut butter, dried millet or oats, and wheat germ as the base ingredients.
2) Provide a mixture of chopped nuts and whole grains such as raisins, sunflower seeds, or mixed nuts in a dish of moistened bread crumbs, egg yolk, or soft pasta served on top of fresh vegetables like kale or lettuce leaves. So, can crows eat bread? Yes, crows eat bread too.
3) Provide small pieces of fresh fruit like strawberries, raspberries, applesauce, and melon pieces sprinkled with crushed unsalted peanuts. So, do crows like peanuts? Yes, crows eat peanuts.
What Do Crows Like To Eat? – Takeaway

The crow, a member of the corvid family of birds, is one of the most intelligent and opportunistic members of the bird world.
It is believed that crows use their intelligence to find food sources by using a strategy called “kleptoparasitism.” This means that they steal food from other animals such as rats or mice, sometimes stealing without any intent to eat the stolen goods themselves. So, do crows eat mice? Yes, crows can eat mice too.
Well, Feeding crows with something that they like to take, if you really want to attract them. We hope that you enjoy reading the given information about peculiar crow foods. If you have any further queries regarding any bird, you can feel free to post them in the replies section below.
So, long story short, what do crows eat? Hope you got your answer already. Enjoy!