How To Keep Birds From Nesting Under Roof

How To Keep Birds From Nesting Under Roof? | 10 Proven Methods

Want to know how to keep birds from nesting under roof? Let’s go to know!

Birds can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. They can create a mess, make noise. And leave bird droppings everywhere.

So, it is really important to keep birds from nesting under the roof. That is why here are some useful methods to keep them away from nesting. But don’t forget, bird control is not so easy task. Nuisance birds are always making problems. Again, a bird problem is a great problem when you are in the situation.

10 Useful Methods To Keep Birds Away From Nesting

Here I am going to write 10 proven methods to keep birds away from nesting. Hope these will help you to make it solve.

Method # 01: Remove The Food And Water Source

The first method is to remove the food and water source. Birds will be dependent on these things to survive. So, by removing them you can prevent birds from nesting under your roof.

To do this, you can place a water bowl in another part of your house or lawn. You can fill it with clean water. So that birds won’t contaminate it with their excrement. Also, if there are any bird feeders around your home then remove them as well. Since this is another reason why they’re flocking towards this area.

Note: Do not use any chemical bird repellent spray with a bird feeder to control birds.

Method # 02: Install Screens On Your Home’s Entrance

Install screens on all the doors and windows of your home to plug up entry points for nesting birds looking for a place to make their home.

To be more specific, you can use window screens and door screens. Just purchase them from any local home improvement store or even get them online for free shipping!

Method # 03: Repel Birds With Natural Repellents

One of the most natural ways to keep birds away is by using certain herbs and plants that are known to ward off these pesky creatures. Here are some recommended plants you should try planting around your property:

  1. Lavender
  2. Peppermint
  3. Citronella
  4. Rue
  5. Garlic
  6. Onion
  7. Cayenne Pepper For instance

If you plant lavender in one corner of your yard, then it will help to repel birds with its smell. Also, peppermint and cayenne are very strong smelling plants that birds hate.

Method # 04: Utilize Decoys And Scare Tactics

After removing the food source successfully, it is time to make your property look like an unwelcoming location with scare tactics and decoys. What you can do is use fake owls or fake snake models around the entrance of your house. Since birds don’t want their predators around they will fly away. Also, another effective trick is to hang up shiny CDs near a garden or a fruit tree. (Buy maybe CDs are rare product nowadays 😉 . So that when sunlight hits them it shows images of scary things which may help in keeping these creatures away.

Note: Looking for house sparrow information? You can read this blog: How To Get Rid Of Sparrows In The Roof? | 5 Proven Methods.

A Bird In The Nest Of A House
Image Source:

Method # 05: Play A Sound Machine

Another method is a sound machine. Yes, you can play a sound machine. There are different types and styles of sound machines with built-in speakers that can make scary noises to scare away the birds. Here are some recommended noise sounds:

  1. Hissing
  2. Baby Cries
  3. Door Bell Ring
  4. Crow Sounds
  5. Distorted Human Voice Overall

There are many ways to keep birds from nesting under your roof. These methods shown above have proven their effectiveness in keeping these creatures away. So you should try them!

But here are some bonus methods. You can try these also.

Method # 06: Utilize Scare Tactics

One of the most effective ways to keep away birds is by using scare tactics. There are a variety of items and products that can be used as intimidating decorations. Such as owl or snake models and reflectors. These items have reflective surfaces so when sunlight hits them. It creates images of scary objects. Birds don’t want their predators. Especially other birds around their homes. So they will fly away to a more welcoming area.

Method # 07: Keep Pets Indoors For The First Hour

The seventh method is to keep pets indoors for the first hour. This should be done. So that you can keep your pets away from the birds. Since they will try and attack them. After an hour, you can let your pets outside again as long as it’s not the nesting season. If there are any nests out in the open, then they should stay indoors for the entire day.

Method # 08: Hire A Pest Removal Company

The eighth way to prevent these creatures from nesting under your roof is by hiring a pest bird removal company. There are many companies that specialize in removing birds and their nests. If you contact them, they will send someone over within two days. They will locate the nests and carefully remove them without hurting the birds.

Method # 09: Use Too Much Light To Repel Birds

Another method is to use too much light. You can do this by turning on all of your lights during the night. So there will be no dark shadows for these creatures to hide in or under. Also, it’s important to leave a light on in every room. So that the roof space will remain lit and birds won’t want to enter.

Method # 10: Watch What You Throw Away

The last but not least method is by watching what you throw away. You should never leave any dirty dishes, pet food, or dirty diapers outside. Since these items are some of their favorite foods. In addition, you should also not leave trash bags outside. Since they will make a bird nest in them and make a place to lay eggs. Once these creatures have laid their eggs it is very difficult to remove them.

Now you know some of the best ways on how to keep birds away from your property. So use this information wisely!

I hope after reading this you are now more informed on how to get rid of birds. And keep them from nesting under your roof. Follow these easy steps to solve the problem easily. So use it today.

How does that sound? Have any thoughts or comments? Would love to hear what other readers think, too! Do you know any specific method? Please share with our readers.

A bird on the way to make nest
Image Source:


Here are some common frequently asked questions. These are the answers for them. I think these will help you to know these methods more clearly.

So, let’s go to dive into this part.

Should you stop birds nesting on your roof?

Yes, you have to do this. Because nests must be removed in order to prevent the roosting from happening again. Birds are precious creatures. But they can make a mess in your roof. And may cause serious damage to your property. So, it is necessary that you keep them away from nesting under your roof.

How can I stop birds from making a nest in my roof?

There are many methods that you can try to stop them from making a bird nest under your roof tiles. I have written 10 methods above. That will help you with this. Also, read the entire article carefully and do everything correctly. You may prevent flocking back by these successful methods.

How dangerous it is if birds make a nest on your roof?

Well, a bird’s nest can make damage your property. They usually carry parasites like lice and mites. That may affect you and make you sick when you touch their nesting place or find their excrement there. Also, birds are very loud animals that can disturb you at night with their cries. Just hire a professional bird exterminator who can get rid of them for you.

How long does it take for birds to start nesting in your roof?

It may take only one night for the first time. After that, they may come back every year and make new nests again there. So, you have to act very quickly before they have time to make a mess on your roof.

How do I stop birds nesting in my eaves?

This is a very common question asked by homeowners. The first step to stop them is to “remove the food source” (See Method # 01). Once you have done this, then it is advised that you keep your property look unwelcoming with scare tactics and decoys. Also, these methods will help you in making your property look less inviting for them.

How do I stop birds nesting under my roof tiles?

First of all, make sure that the food source has been removed. After this step, it is advised that you try to play a sound machine that can make scare tactics for the birds and help them in leaving. You can apply our other methods too, those written above.

What can I do about birds nesting on my roof?

There are many things you can do about these creatures. First of all, try to remove the food sources and then use fake snake models or an owl decoy bird around your property. Also, you can play a sound machine to scare them away from nesting under your roof. If they still come back there is only one solution left, call a professional bird exterminator to get rid of them.

So, these are some FAQs about how to stop birds nesting in your roof. If you have any other questions about this or about the article, you can ask me below in the comment section. I will surely reply to you as soon as possible. Hope this information has helped you!

Final Thoughts

It is important to be understanding that birds will always need a place to nest. So it’s best not to discourage them from nesting near your house. But don’t destroy nesting material. However, if you are looking for more updated information, tips & tricks regarding birds we recommend visiting our blog often! We hope this post has helped. Feel free to comment below with any questions or comments of your own!